AppDaemon: file per Notifier v1.2
Aggiornamenti per app Notifier 1.2 file Questo file è da inserire nella cartella /config/appdaemon/apps e contiene dei metodi di utilizzo globale necessari per il funzionamento corretto di Notifier 1.2.
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## import secrets import random import re def get_arg(args, key): key = args[key] if type(key) is str and key.startswith("secret_"): if key in secrets.secret_dict: return secrets.secret_dict[key] else: raise KeyError("Could not find {} in secret_dict".format(key)) else: return key def get_arg_list(args, key): arg_list = [] if isinstance(args[key], list): arg = args[key] else: arg = (args[key]).split(",") for key in arg: if type(key) is str and key.startswith("secret_"): if key in secrets.secret_dict: arg_list.append(secrets.secret_dict[key]) else: raise KeyError("Could not find {} in secret_dict".format(key)) else: arg_list.append(key) return arg_list ## from list to plain text def to_text(data: list)->str: return " ".join([str(item) for item in data]) ## from text to list def to_list(self, stringa)->list: return list(stringa.replace(" ", "").split(",")) ''' used to replace special characters ans multiple space in message ''' def replace_char(text: str, substitutions: dict): substrings = sorted(substitutions, key=len, reverse=True) regex = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, substrings))) return regex.sub(lambda match: substitutions[], text) def replace_regular(text: str, substitutions: list): for old,new in substitutions: text = re.sub(old, new, text.strip()) return text |
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